Friday, April 16, 2010

"Does that make me craaaazaaaay?"

The other day, on my morning commute I was tuned into Kidd Kraddick and caught what is perhaps my favorite segment- the "Does that make me crazy?" bit. For those of you who are not familiar, listeners call in with their quirks, OCD tendencies, strange habits/rituals, and all other things that you wouldn't want others to know for fear that they may think you're crazy and the show weighs in on whether or not it's crazy. And they loop that line from the Gnarls Barkley song after each entry for added humor (thus the post title- just in case you weren't intuitive enough to figure that out. If you were, the department of redundancy department apologizes.) For example, yesterday one of the callers said that she has to kiss all of her pets goodbye before she leaves the house and that sometimes the cat would go missing and she'd have to spend the time to find her and kiss her goodbye because she didn't want her cat's feelings to be hurt. They said that she was slightly crazy. So I listen to these whenever I catch them, and while many people have some crazy issues, I'm pretty sure my crazy ass has them beat, hands down.

My friends and family are ridiculously entertained by all of the crazy quirks I have and the random crap that goes through my mind, so I decided to entertain you all by sharing what I would be journaling for my own amusement. Because I'm generous like that.

For instance, those of you who know me well know that I do NOT do crowded places. I have no idea where this phobia came from. I've always been a little claustraphobic, but it never really was an issue when I worked at the bar and we had to stand around and clap at closing and about 2500 people would cram through the exit, drunk, falling all over you and getting in your face to tell you goodbye. Actually, come to think of it- maybe that is what caused my anxiety, but I digress. Anyway, I seriously have damn near panic attacks when I am around a ton of people. Crowded elevators, Walmart on a Saturday, concerts, etc. make me freak out. Like pace back and forth, need to cover my ears and cry, hyperventilating freak out. Last summer my mom, sister and I went to Sams one weekend to get some stuff for a family barbeque we were having and they were able to see this in action. We got to a crowded section of the store and I literally paced back and forth and then darted off to a semi-clear aisle and knelt down and put my head between my knees until I gained composure. It is the most random, involuntary thing. I really try my best to avoid any situation that might make me freak out, because to be quite honest- it's a bit embarrassing. Thus the blog. I'm really going to start posting now. Not just talk about starting a blog.