Monday, April 1, 2013

I should have been a product tester.

Disclaimer: This post is probably only going to benefit my lady friends. Sorry dudes...just come back another time for a better post.

I LOOOOOVE trying new beauty products and supplements. I swear, if someone told me to slather duck semen on my face because it would make me glow- I'd probably try it. I can't help myself- I'm vain and I like experiments. So I'll occasionally run past a recommendation on the interwebs about something that is supposed to work and as long as it isn't too expensive I'll try it. It's actually a really fun little hobby. Expensive and potentially dangerous given the FDA's loose standards. But I'll tell you what- I have found some GEMS.

Which brings me to today's post. Product overviews by Emily Spinney. You're welcome.


What it's for: I think technically it is for women who are losing their hair, but I read somewhere that this will help your hair grow faster and thicker and since it is still not socially acceptable for a white girl to sport a weave, I decided to give it a go.
Cost: About $30 a month (if you can find a deal on Amazon)
Does it work?: HELL YEAH! I wish I had taken a before/after picture so you can see how much my hair has grown in just the past month. Not only that, but it feels thicker and is styling better. If you want to grow out your hair and you're impatient, try this. If the dudes are still reading, they have a male version of this. Better than Rogaine. Frealz.

Oil Cleanser (I use this one:

What it's for: So I read about oil cleansing as a way to clear up acne (you know, because I have so much) and make your skin more even. I have ridiculously dry skin, and my breakouts are stubborn and scar my face, so I figured I would try this and see if it worked. It's supposed to help clear your pores and soften fine lines, so you know I was immediately sold.
Cost: $12 (and this stuff lasts foreeeever)
Does it work?: Yes, but it's kind of a pain to get used to the regimen, and it takes about a month to see results. You essentially use it to take off your makeup and then use a piping hot towel to steam it off your face. For the first few uses, you're going to feel like your face is kind of oily, even though it isn't. Plus, I really never got used to the piping hot towel. Having said that, it does give your face a really pretty glow and it really does last a long time. Unintended benefit: washing off your makeup with olive oil helps your lashes grow.

Acne Free Severe Kit

What it's for: Well, that's pretty self explanitory right? This seems like a contradiction to the above product, but the oil cleansing takes a lot of getting used to and I wanted something to work immediately because I'm impatient.
Cost: $30
Does it work?: Yes- it burns a little if you have sensitive skin, but not only will this clear anything on your face up, but it will help fade sun spots and dark marks on your face. Con: it will totally bleach a spray tan off and your face will be an entirely different color than your body. Which can be good if you're going for that...

TruNature Liver Health Complex

What it's for: You'd be surprised at how important it is to have a fully functioning liver. Like, even if you THINK you have a functioning liver- you're probably underestimating what your weekends of vodka waters are doing to it. ANY time I drink I have a 2 day hangover. Seriously, it's miserable. Additionally, I always have chapped lips and after Web MDing myself into thinking I was dying, I read that it is a sign of a compromised liver. So I decided to try taking a supplement to help diffuse the effects of my alcoholism give my immune system a boost.
Cost: $20
Does it work?: This might be one of the best supplements I've ever taken. No more 2 day hangovers, no more chapped lips, increased energy, and it's practically like being on a cleanse. This totally works. Taking a pill twice a day (Man, I'm racking up the pills...) kind of makes me feel like an old lady, but it's worth it.

So there you have it. Random, I know- but I just thought I'd share these nuggets of amazing with you. On that note, if there's anything you want me to try, I'll TOTALLY try it!