Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Highlight Reel Vs. Reality

I feel the need to distinguish between reality and what people who aren't around me for long periods of time experience. I like to call this the highlight reel. It's all the best bits, the best wit, the best of pretty much all I have to give which only lasts a short while and isn't really indicative of my personality as a whole. It really is important to distinguish between the two.

Highlight reel: You're hilarious to follow on Facebook! You say the funniest stuff! You should write a blog!

Reality: I am a funny person.  However, I also think about what I'm going to post in hopes that it's entertaining to other people. Because people don't really care about what I had for breakfast or what I think about a new show- not that I wouldn't ever post boring stuff like that...because I totally do. And even this blog is completely stuck in mundane most days. I'm only mildly entertaining at best.

Highlight reel: You and your friends are always doing the most fun stuff! You must party a lot.

Reality: I have great friends and we do hang out and go have fun. We also are photo whores- so it looks like we are usually way more crazy/social than we actually are. Aside from kickball and the occasional weekend plan, I'm really boring. I sit at home with my boyfriend on the weekend catching up on my DVR and cooking. Frealz.

Highlight reel: You seem really laid back and have a great outlook on things. You're such a positive person.

Reality: No one likes to be around an Eeyore or an extremely confrontational person. I'm a middle child. I act like a middle child. I avoid conflict as much as possible and try to focus on positive things when I can. Having said that, you guys would be surprised at what a Debbie Downer I can be. I mope like whoa. Not having a permanent job is bumming me out right now. Sometimes I get really upset about my impending 30s. But I'm not going to openly pout about it. That's what my bedroom and Ben & Jerry's is for.

Highlight reel: You are so creative- you should be a party planner.

Reality: I'm not really creative. I'm a great copycat. I find things on Pinterest, or other blogs and emulate. Actually the same can be said about my comedic style as well. I think I'd shit my pants if someone really wanted me to plan a party or die of anxiety.

Highlight reel: Facebook profile pics

Reality: Most. Unphotogenic. Person. Ever.

So there you have it. Don't believe the hype. Highlight reels are amazing, but not realistic.


  1. Man, your "Reality" sounds AWESOME! I wish my day-to-day activities were as exciting as yours! I just sit around F5'ing this page, day in, day out, waiting for new material that makes me chuckle. The simple fact that you have five "Highlight reels" gives you at least a half'a dozen more than most people I know.

    Blog on, sista. Blog on.

  2. I like reality Emily. She is my favorite Emily. Just sayin.
