Friday, October 19, 2012

Two face makeup tutorial

Here's a bit of a departure from my normal post, but bear with me- I'm pretty darn proud of myself and need to share. So my kickball team is really quirky and we usually theme every game we play. Cowboys and Indians, 80s night, nerd theme, etc. get the picture. We figure if we aren't going to win games, we might as well have fun and find excuses to treat every Thursday like it is Halloween. Side note: it's MUCH easier to meet new people at the bar when you have a conversation starter like a tomahawk or jean jacket on, right?

This week's game was against some people who used to play with us (traitors!) and they wanted to do a joint theme. So they decided on superheroes vs. supervillains- and of course they gave themselves the easier theme...superheroes; leaving the villains to the veteran themers. As I was trying to decide what to dress up in, I was really disappointed that all female villains are either a.) wearing no clothes or b.) lame. I'm all for wearing no clothes, but not when I'm supposed to try to jog/run to first base- the, um....girls are way too big for that and ain't nobody got time to tuck a boob back in a bra. Luckily for me, it is close to Halloween and Pinterest is filled with great ideas.  Which leads me to this gem I found online:

Female Two Face!? Original, unexpected...AWESOME!

I loved that this was unexpected and would give me a chance to play with fun makeup. Surely this couldn't be that difficult! Additionally, I've been DYING for an excuse to re-wear my Cheshire Cat contact(s) from last Halloween (whatever, you'd do it to...those bitches were expensive), so I decided this was it.

Meeee-yow! I loved these so much!

I chose to go with a purple face because my frame of reference was Tommy Lee Jones in Batman Forever...and I figured I could the leg off a pair of purple tights to make the whole side of my body match my face. GENIUS! To top it off, I had one of those eyeshadow quads that you buy because you really only like one or two of the colors in it and you never even touch the others and end up throwing it away and cursing the company for not making the color you like available in a single shadow (but I digress) I figured I could utilize that instead of that horrible Halloween face makeup that either greases on your face or crusts up and flakes off. I really hate that stuff.

What do these two things have in common?
Both the movie and the bottom of this compact ended up in someone's trash can.

 Step 1: I grabbed a paper plate for a make up palette and put a little foundation in the center. The great part about using your foundation is that you already like the way it goes on your face and the application is much easier than that greasy cake-y paint....AND it dries with a soft powder finish (or at least mine does. I don't know what your foundation does for you.) I didn't want to use a lot of my foundation (that sh*t's expensive!) and I didn't know how the color would mix with it so I also added a dab of makeup primer, a dab of moisturizer, and a dab of an illuminating face lotion I have. I can tell you're pumped about my accurate measurements. Taking an end of an old eyeshadow applicator and pulling the sponge off it, I used the plastic sharp under part to file out some of the purple eyeshadow to tint the foundation...because I'm real redneck like that. Give me some duct tape- I can fix anything.

This is the hardest part of the whole process. Ferseriously. It took a lot more pigment than I expected to get the color I wanted and I had to add a little more moisturizer in so that it wasn't all clumpy. I just used the applicator to mix it, since I was throwing it away anyway. Once I got the color and consistency I wanted it was time for application.

Step 2: I picked the side of my face I wanted and pulled the hair back off that side so that I could apply without getting it everywhere. I used a triangle sponge applicator to apply because it's cheap, it has a hard edge (which was needed to make that crisp divider line), and I had a bunch. If you don't trust yourself to do a straight line, I would use painters tape to mask your face. Yeah, that was a real suggestion- don't judge me! Think about it: it's sticky (without sticking too much) and you can make the line pristine. I was really shocked I didn't need this, as most of the time I really think I may have makeup-application-induced-Parkinsons, but shockingly, the line went on fairly straight.

No way! That's a pretty good half face, if I do say so myself.

What you can't tell from the picture is that the mixture of the pinkish purple pigment and the purple made for a really cool color blend that had a bit of shine from the illuminating liquid I added to the mix. SCORE! You can also see that I just put this over my existing daily makeup, since it was 5pm and I had to leave my house at 6 (living in East Jesus suuucks). Totally worked out well... I left space around my eye for the black eyeliner and used this opportunity to figure out where I wanted to put the mouth. Since this is eyeshadow and foundation, it comes off really easy with eye makeup remover, so don't worry about overdoing the half face now- you can remove any part of it in a snap!

Step 3: I rolled up the purple side of my hair in hot rollers to get that ready for the craziness I would put it up in later and put in one of my Cheshire Cat contacts before I started working with the black and all the other makeup- since that thing makes my eyes water like whoa and I wasn't going for the Lauren Conrad single black tear effect. Using my black chubby stick eyeliner, I outlined a rough mouth shape and used a q-tip and cotton pad with MK eyemakeup remover (because it's the best) to clean up the inside of the new mouth/sneer/teeth filled jaggedy place. Once it was cleaned up, I filled the space in with white eyeliner and set the eyeliner with an ivory eyeshadow.

Look into my CRAZY eye!
Step 4: After I settled on a final mouth shape, I used the purple shadow that was more pink on an old blush brush and did a little contouring (massive fail) and set the rest of the purple powder. I then pulled out my chub (hehe) again and traced an exaggerated version of my eyebrow, blacked out my socket, outlined the mouth shape and added top and bottom teeth to the sneer. I made a few "wrinkles" out of the black just by trying to follow the lines made in the original pinner's picture. If I had it to do over again, I would have made a better eyebrow and made the wrinkles a little more distinct than I ended up doing them. I would have also attempted a bit more dramatic contour with the black. I think I was afraid that I was going to screw it up and have to blend it or wipe it off and end up with a half black face instead of a half purple face. I pulled out the curlers and ratted the curls a bit and turned my whole left side upside down and sprayed the roots so it would stay up and appear shorter than the other side.

I totally kept this white bra clean! Go me!

After this was done I pulled down the other side of my hair and straightened it and touched up my normal side makeup and filled in any gaps on my purple side using the sponge. I CAREFULLY put on my kickball shirt (again, since I used makeup instead of paint, this was pretty easy!) and practiced my evil face.

Muah hahahaha

This was SO much fun, y'all and I creeped people out all night. The profile was crazy looking and people were impressed that I did it myself. It really wasn't bad! If you can apply your regular makeup, you can do this! The only downside is that it really didn't photograph well in the dark with a flash...and because I failed to contour, it looked like I just had a really fat face. Next time....

Seriously- I didn't know Two Face's second face was a fatty.

Happy Halloween!



  1. Who woulda thought I could have so much fun reading a blog about makeup? Makes me want to revisit the second job I had several years back. Ya know, the one working the corners in the southern part of town? The money wasn't great, but the perks were fantastic!

  2. I knew you were that hooker! Gosh you look so different without your red dress and bright blonde wig...

  3. I never wore a wig. All natural, baby! People kill for hair like mine. Whatever's left of it anyway. It did match that dress though, didn't it?

  4. AWESOME! doing it this Halloween! Thank you !
