Thursday, October 11, 2012

I keep telling you I'm one step away from crazy cat lady

Man, social media can make you envious! As I'm scrolling through all the pictures my friends are posting of their beautiful bridals and fabulous honeymoons, I find myself a little jealous. 

Don't get me wrong...I'm not desperate to get married. I'm not looking into tying down the next sucker who walks in the room because I feel like I need to meet some sort of timeline. If I don't marry until I'm 45, then that's ok with me. However, when I look at their pictures, I see it differently- they are beautifully capturing themselves in their youth. Something they can look back on later in life and remember. When you have major life events, like a wedding or a baby- it's way more acceptable to have professional photographs to document your life. But to do them "just because"...I think people have a different mindset about that. Well, seeing as how I'm not getting married any time soon, I'm not a member of a church to have a directory picture, and I'm not having a baby, I found my own solution.

I decided that for my 30th birthday, I'm going to be the weirdo that has a full on professional shoot. I mean the full deal- beautiful dress picture, artsy-fartsy-hipster-field-holding-a-balloon picture...the whole bit. Complete with hair and makeup. Because I'm just getting older, and I just want to hold on to this time in my life while I can.

AND THEN...I'm going to take myself a honeymoon replacement. I've never traveled. I've never vacationed. My first vacation was two years ago with my college roommate to Florida- how sad is that?!  I never "spring break-ed" (like how I made that a verb), or even gone out of the country. So I'm getting my passport and going somewhere tropical. Because there's no time like now. I need to not wait for an excuse to do these things, I need to just do them.

It may be weird, it may be slightly vain and pathetic- who cares? I can't wait to see my pretty pictures. If you're nice, I might even put them on a Christmas card for you.


  1. I totally understand what you mean! I see all my friends pictures and I want that too. Like you said, I am in no rush to get married or have a baby, but I want a fancy photo shoot! :)

    Oh, and where do you want to go? I have a passport!!!

  2. Exactly! I want a pretty picture, dammit!

    Let's go to Mexico!

  3. I promise you that those married folks are more jealous of your single lifestyle than versa visa. And, if you want someone to take pictures of you, I'll start charging my camera. I'm not exactly a "professional", but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night.

  4. That last statement in conjunction with picture taking is extra creepy. I don't doubt that married folks are jealous of the single lifestyle, but that doesn't make my envy any less of those pictures! :)
